Opla’s Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) system is committed to protecting and promoting the safety and wellbeing of employees, clients, contractors, visitors, the community, and the environment.
All Opla employees ensure the QHSE system is developed and maintained to the highest standards. We conduct all business activities in a manner consistent with the values expressed in our corporate policies and procedures. Risks are managed to prevent occupational injuries and sickness, through proper work planning, QHSE training, hazard identification, inspections, and incident investigations.
The training and development of Opla employees and contractors are essential component to the safety system. Management is responsible for providing QHSE training that provides employees with the knowledge to protect themselves and others from potential harm. Supervisors at Opla are accountable for ensuring all parties are given the appropriate knowledge and equipment to deal with any risks they encounter in the workplace. Employees are responsible for identifying any potential risks and hazards and refusing any work that may pose an undue threat.